Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Devika's Summer Reading List

Hey Everyone! Here is my reading list for the summer. I may add to it while I am in India, but this is the "golden goal" as of now! Lots of love to you all. Bryan darling, I hope you're having a wonderful time in Cairo (be safe, though) ; cannot wait to see you in August. And Emily, Victoria and Kim dears, SEE YOU this weekend.

1) Outliers by Malcom Gladwell
2) Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln by Doris Kearns Goodwin
3) South of the Border, West of the Sun by Haruki Murakami
4) Portrait of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
5)Amour, la Fantasia by Assia Djebar
6)Small is Beautiful : Economics as if People Mattered by E.F. Schumacher
7)Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness by Richard H. Thaler, Cass R. Sunstein
8) The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith
9) One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
10) Vineland by Thomas Pynchon

I've been feeling all of you all day. Bryan -- Fleetfoxes guiding me as I wash the dishes and read and type and sing along, Victoria, as I transition into a summer vegetarian, or pescquetarian at the least, Emily because I bravely dealt with my my emerging facial 'womp-womps' (euphamism) and remembered to floss, and Kim because I read through my middle school reading response journals and smiled at my florid language and little middle school dreams.

The list, anyway, of course, ends at number ten.

Lots and Lots of Love,

Friday, May 27, 2011

Bryan's Summer Reading List (work in progress)

The Reluctant Fundamentalist Mohsin Hamid
Contact Carl Sagan 
Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad
Zoli Colum McCann
The Lazarus Project Aleksander Hemon
Isabel Allende
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Kurt Vonnegut
Salman Rushdie
Jonathan Safran Foer

Latin America/Argentina/Guerra Sucia
Imagining Argentina Lawrence Thornton
The Little School: Tales of Disappearance and Survival Alicia Partnoy
A Lexicon of Terror: Argentina and the Legacies of Torture Marguerite Feitlowitz

Criminal Justice/Prisons
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness Michelle Alexander

The Crusades Through Arab Eyes Amin Maalouf
The Autobiography of Malcolm X, as Told to Alex Haley
1491 - New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus Charles C. Mann
Duel: Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr, and the Future of America Thomas James Fleming

The Myth of Sisyphus Albert Camus
Richard Rodriguez
James Baldwin


Jorge Luis Borges
Rainer Maria Rilke (I'll probably be carrying around Letters to a Young Poet like a Bible - if anyone has not read it, it is my NUMBER ONE RECOMMENDATION, and it only takes about forty minutes to read... the first time - you will be compelled to read it more than once, I promise)

Also: My goodreads account is under bryan.zubay@gmail.com! We could all become friends on there as well?

ALSO: I wrote this draft before I even read Kim's draft and so many of her recommendations are on here! I'm so exciteddddd. I also watched "Rabbit Hole" a few weeks ago. The scene with Nicole Kidman and her mother in the basement?! Gahh, I die.


Friday, May 13, 2011

Bryan, Emily, Kim, Victoria...

WELCOME TO SUMREADING - A summer book club blog for friends!
Bryan had the idea that we have a summer book club, and I thought, let's begin a blog and share our journeys as readers this summer!

Sum reading 2011 :
1) Make blog.

2) Everyone assembles a list of books he/she would like to read. There's no common book list. Everyone's free to read and not read as they please.

3) Everyone posts their lists on this blog (let's say by June 1st).

4) Afterwards, as the summer progresses, everyone can leave 'posts' about their reading experiences, what thoughts and feelings these books have provoked, and everything, anything else that comes to mind.

10) We can also totally keep everyone else informed on our lives as well :~)

Hope you all are down for the adventure! I have added all of you as authors, so you should all have access to write on here.

Kim and Victoria -- Nice to have you home.

Lots and lots of love, and excitement,