Monday, June 6, 2011

Hello friends!
So I wrote a draft of what I was going to be reading a couple weeks ago, but my focus has shifted since then. Here, I present to you, Kim's Summer 2011 Literary Adventure (as of June 6, 2011):

1) White Tiger by Aravind Adiga
2) One Day by David Nicholls
3) Henry and June by Anais Nin
4) How to Read the Air by Dinaw Mengestu
5) Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
6) Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs by Chuck Klosterman

... that's all I have for now. I'll keep posting because I tend to find new books I want to read as I progress, rather than make a planning list. When I list, it sucks the fun out and I worry about finishing a book rather than really savoring it. (BUT I still love the idea of this blog, which is sharing with each other our reading experiences.)

In that vein, I'll share that I just finished reading Bossypants by Tina Fey, and it was so great. I love her, and even though the book doesn't really have a coherent goal and is moreso a collection of miscellaneous ramblings, it's still so funny and wonderful. A choice quote:

"I feel about Photoshop the way some people feel about abortion. It is appalling and a tragic reflection on the moral decay of our society…unless I need it, in which case, everybody be cool."

I'm going to re-read The Great Gatsby this summer as well, because I don't think I appreciated it nearly enough in high school. And I will be picking up "Letters to a Young Poet" asap, after seeing Bryan's post. With that in mind, if anyone wants to read beautiful and emotionally sophisticated yet incredibly simplistic poetry in like a day, pick up Mary Barnard's Sappho translation. So I read it for CFI freshman year. Whatever. It's still great. Like this:

It's no use
Mother dear, I
can't finish my
You may
blame Aphrodite

soft as she is

she has almost
killed me with
love for that boy

If you can't find it, just borrow it from me in the fall. It is so short and simple to read, but ever so lovely.

Hmmm, what else? Oh yes. Movies, music, etc.

Bridesmaids was hysterical, saw it twice and laughed even harder the second time around. Last Night is a new favorite and Rabbit Hole, of course. I just watched Food, Inc. as well. Ooh boy. Has me doubting everything I put in my body. I would be glad to take any recommendations!

As for music, I am basically in a state of suspension, waiting for the release of Bon Iver's new album (TWO WEEKS!). Can't stop listening to "Calgary." I'm pleased with Death Cab's new album, "Codes and Keys" and the new Coldplay single, "Every Teardrop is a Waterfall."

So I also just downloaded Taylor Swift's "Today Was a Fairytale"? Whatever, today was a fairytale.

And you should listen to this, on repeat, forever, on long car drives at sunset, windows down, mmmmmmm:

Thinking of you all!
Lots of love,



